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CASE STUDY: New Leader Transition

Turbocharging an effective senior leadership transition

About The Company

A mid-sized gaming company used The Donnelly Group to turbocharge an effective senior leadership transition.

This is a mid-sized gaming and racing facility with 1,800 slot machines, a horse racing track, and a 128-room hotel.

Industry: Gaming, Racing, Hospitality

Location: Midwest

Employees: 467

Before The Donnelly Group: Company needed to rapidly build trust and keep business moving forward during a new senior leadership transition.

When there’s a shift in leadership, companies must have a proven plan in place to rapidly build trust and camaraderie without sacrificing the business. This fast-paced property had to transition its most senior leader in record time. Mid-level managers needed to build trust in their new reporting relationships while communicating an enhanced vision to front-line employees.


With The Donnelly Group: Fast Ramp-Up and Reduced Mid-Level Turnover 


Accelerated New Leader Transition program

With a departure date set, the hospitality company needed to align on expectations before introducing anyone new to its people or customers. The Donnelly Group developed, designed, and delivered a two-day leadership workshop for 25 key leaders by setting a mutually agreeable set of performance expectations.

As a result, the leadership team “ramped up” its business more quickly, improved trust and morale, and reduced mid-level turnover during what could have been a chaotic time for the business and its people.

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