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CASE STUDY: Transportation Company

Improving poor social media reviews & low customer service scores

About The Transportation Company

A Florida transportation company used The Donnelly Group to improve poor social media reviews and low customer service scores.
This is a fast-growing transportation company servicing small to mid-sized independent haulers nationwide.

Industry: Trucking transport compliance services and support

Location: Miami, FL

Employees: 470+

Before The Donnelly Group: Company Processes Lagged Behind Rapid Growth and Change

Growth in this rapidly changing, highly regulated industry required process changes that adversely affected their clients. More specifically, these changes worked against the customer experience and internal employee success. Online reviews and client feedback declined to 61% negative feedback, which slowed new client growth.

With The Donnelly Group: A “Best Place to Work” Certification 


A Service Ambassador program that leverages the company’s own “superstars” to revamp the experience

As with many organizations, your people are your best and most effective catalyst for change. This transportation company already had the tools they needed for success; they just needed a more refined process to use them. With the help of the President and CEO, The Donnelly Group recruited, selected, and implemented a Service Ambassador program—that is, a program leveraging the company’s pre-existing superstar employees to drive change throughout the organization.

We deployed 35 ambassadors to re-focus the customer-facing process, train peers, and model the right behaviors. The Ambassadors increased positive social media reviews by 35%. Plus, internal employee engagement increased, resulting in a Best Places to Work certification!

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