Group Training

Front Line Employee Development & Training

Create a customer experience that is friendly, helpful and courteous

Shape a Culture of Service

Organizations want people on the front-lines to be friendly, courteous and helpful.  Experience proves that customers want these traits, and more, in the people who serve them.  What makes a customer perceive that an employee was friendly, knowledgeable, courteous, welcoming, helpful?  What is it is that makes a customer feel like they have been served well?  It is the experience that results from the aggregate of employee behaviors, actions and tone.


Our Front Line Employee Training is ideal for those who are new to the workforce and seasoned employees who would benefit from introduction or reinforcement of standards, skills and a little motivation.  


If we can ensure that our employees know, understand and practice behaviors, actions and tone; we can create a customer experience that is friendly, helpful and courteous.  Donnelly Effect customer service training is differentiated because we set expectations on how front line people interact with their customer, how managers and supervisors  lead the charge, and how internal people support the front line.

Workshop and Keynote Topics:

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8 Essentials for Front-Line Employees

Learn the 8 essential strategies to deliver an outstanding service every time.

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Service Recovery

Not every customer experience is going to be outstanding; learn the tools of service recovery to turn disgruntled customers into raving fans!

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People, Place and Process

Learn how to use the 3 service channels to deliver outstanding customer experiences. 

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Awesome Arrivals and Fond Farewells

From your customer's first interaction to their last, ensure their experience is awesome and authentic.

All of our topics are available as a 1 day workshop, 3 day seminar, keynote presentation or online. 

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Book Your Training TODAY!


to learn more or share the needs of your organization to see how Donnelly Effect can help.

(410) 212-4471

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