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Donnelly Effect delivers actionable SPARKS to #WorkHappy, using HAPPINESS BY DESIGN to shape and reinforce a culture of service.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could, one day, simply DECIDE to BE HAPPY? Just flip a switch and BAM! Automatic happiness forever. Sadly, life doesn’t work that way. Happiness is an everyday proactive choice.  Not a one-off task.

Still, genuine happiness can seem like a distant outcome rather than a lasting requirement – especially at work. We spend the majority of our time with the people we work with, so why not enjoy ourselves while we’re at it?

Disney welcome

Happy employees = HAPPY CUSTOMERS.

Today leaders have to think of new and improved ways to create an environment where happiness thrives. Doing this effectively is no easy task. 

Happiness requires CONSTANT INNOVATION.

When I think about what it means to work happy, it ties directly to the lessons I learned over a decades-long career at the Walt Disney Company. When you take care – really care – for your employees, morale is boosted. Your people naturally #workhappy because they feel supported … and then they pass their feelings of joy onto others.

Employees yearn for meaningful work, a sense of belonging, ownership, creativity, and purpose. It’s up to leaders to nurture this type of environment constantly. Because one thing we wholeheartedly believe in at Donnelly Effect is that success does not breed happiness -- it’s the other way around.

Unlock the Magic  includes 50 key strategies to create the environment where happiness can thrive.

Unlock the Magic_3D book image L-2Implementing a strategy for impactful happiness in your organization doesn't require expensive perks or disingenuous gimmicks. It's about finding innovative ways to motivate, engage, and listen EVERY DAY. Leaders can set an example for what it means to work happy using a few simple strategies like these:

  • Praise and recognition: thank Bill for coming in early to hit his deadline and let Suzy know that her attentiveness with a difficult customer did not go unnoticed.
  • Knowing your “why” and aligning your team with a goal that has an emotional connection.
  • Greeting your colleagues with a simple “hello” and “goodbye” every day.
  • Encourage your happiest personalities: lift up your most promising employees.

It’s your job as a leader to INSPIRE ACTION  to develop responsible, engaged, inspired leaders and employees who work happy. These are the people who’ll delight your customers and improve business results. But if you are running low on inspiration, try implementing a few of these strategies (and more here!) to help create an environment where happiness booms. 


Want to BE MORE EFFECTIVE? Follow us on the journey:
ABOUT MIKE DONNELLY: With over 20 years of Disney leadership experience, Mike Donnelly, Chief Experience Officer (CEO) of Donnelly Effect shares his insights on Talent Selection and HiringEmployee OnboardingCustomer ExperienceService Culture and Leadership-among others. Donnelly Effect is home of the exclusive "World-Class Workshop" series and offers consulting services and keynote addresses to audiences of all sizes and industries. Since 2007, Mike Donnelly has been a contracted Disney Institute Facilitator, delivering Disney customer service training to audiences across the United States. 


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