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Seven repetitions. Our brains only need to hear something seven times to remember it long-term. 

So, when it comes to establishing a consistent, ongoing, and replicable level of service, it is wise to find ways to solidify your guest and service messaging throughout your organization.

The use of scripting, or “key repeatable messages,” helps create consistency of service to the guest and continually reminds the provider (your employee) of their role.

Introducing your employees to the expected level of guest service during new employee orientation (NEO) is just as important as the office tours, employee introductions, and workstation set-up.

New Employee Orientation Tip_Donnelly Effect

Scripting delivers three key benefits:
  1. Comfort for new team members who are attempting to learn a new role in foreign environments
  2. Provides “starter phrases” for even the most introverted of employees to begin and end guest interactions
  3. A simple NEO training method for delivering consistent service at every stage of guest interaction that is applicable across the organization

It’s not easy to create consistent scripting throughout an entire organization. Leaders have to model scripting and relentlessly reinforce the positive effects of scripting to be successful.

Remember, these key messages do not have to be some long-winded speech. In fact, they are more effective when they are kept short and sweet.  

Here are two common scripting examples that reinforce memorable customer experiences: 


“Have a Magical Day” - Disney

“It’s my pleasure” - Chick-Fil-A

Walt Disney World and Chick-Fil-A both worked hard to implement these phrases across their organization, but in doing so, they have gained significant recognition and reward as two of the top service and experience companies.

Keep in mind that scripting can create magic or tragic guest interactions. When done genuinely and consistently, it’s magical. When done poorly or sarcastically, things turn tragic, and your customers are left unsettled. 

Think about what key repeatable messages you can introduce during new hire orientation that will better define your service strategy for years to come.


To create scripts that delight, consider these three things:
  1. Your company’s core values
  2. Your quality standards (observable behaviors, backstage behaviors, unique language and symbols)
  3. Your most common customer touch points

Once defined, implement these scripts everywhere you can. Leaders should repeat them, and every new employee should understand their importance on Day 1.

Learn more about shaping your organization’s service culture HERE or CONTACT US for more information!


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Mike Donnelly is a recognized expert, keynote speaker, facilitator and consultant in customer service and leadership development. Leveraging 20+ years of experience from The Walt Disney Company, he and his team help destination location clients and clients in various customer-facing industries create customer loyalty to achieve positive business results. Learn more at



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