Do you hear it? The hum? The rumbling of an underground movement?
There is a swell underfoot. It’s a swell of eager employees who are ready and planning. There is a distinct hum of pent-up energy from people who want to get out there and work. Not only are they ready to work, but they’re ready to learn, grow, and achieve.
In 2021, we worked with many organizations that felt compelled to shape and foster success from the inside, out. Now more than ever, businesses are being judged by their customer experience: their service, their mission, their commitment. And now, finally—or maybe, once again—organizations are ready to meet the challenge.
Frankly, I’m excited about a workforce that’s ready to innovate and engage with customers. I know it exists because I see it day in and day out; a surge of eager employees who just want to interact.
This means that, as leaders, we’ve got a lot of work to do to ensure our teams stay “ready” and “engaged” long-term. The world is tough; we’ve learned that over these last few years. Luckily, humans are a resilient bunch. However, if you don’t nourish and nurture your team, they surely won’t have anything left to nourish your customers. But teams that feel valued, equipped, and purposed? Those are the teams that will make a difference in the years to come.
This is the message we are taking with us into next year. A message of hope, gratitude, and excitement that we can foster not only within ourselves but within the people around us. This is also the message we hope you take with you, too. Here’s to an engaging 2022!
Happy New Year,
Mike Donnelly
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Mike Donnelly is a recognized expert, keynote speaker, facilitator and consultant in customer service and leadership development. Leveraging 20+ years of experience from The Walt Disney Company, he and his team help destination location clients and clients in various customer-facing industries create customer loyalty to achieve positive business results. Learn more at