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“Why is My Job Important?” Key Messages to Facilitating an Inspired NEO

Mike Donnelly | September 9, 2021

When planning a new employee orientation, it’s easy to get lost in the logistics – the employee passwords, the departmental...

Key Messages & Service Scripts: The Key to Helping Your Employees Create Memorable Interactions

Mike Donnelly | July 8, 2021

Seven repetitions. Our brains only need to hear something seven times to remember it long-term. 

So, when it comes to...

A Leader’s Role in Creating a Culture of Accountability

Mike Donnelly | January 28, 2021

When leaders visualize their dream team, they envision an employee who takes control of their situation, a team that has pride...

Happy Holidays!

Mike Donnelly | December 22, 2020

Wishing you a joyful holiday season & a Happy New Year!

Transform Employee Onboarding from a Process to an Experience

Mike Donnelly | December 16, 2020

Establishing higher level engagement during new employee onboarding requires authentic connection. Here’s how to create it.


The Basic Levels of Employee Engagement: Where Do Your Employees Fall?

Mike Donnelly | November 11, 2020

The 4 levels of engagement and how to recognize a highly engaged workforce

Engaged employees are the foundation of a high...

Spark #8: Plant the Seed of Loyalty with a Fond Farewell

Mike Donnelly | June 29, 2017
Remember that old adage “If you can’t do something right, don’t do it at all”? If your employees aren’t committed to providing...

Spark #7: Stack The Deck: How To Create Awesome Arrivals

Mike Donnelly | June 7, 2017

Donnelly Effect delivers 17 in '17: 17 actionable SPARKS to ignite your team for better leadership, customer and employee...

Spark #6: Think Bigger! Service is Universal

Mike Donnelly | May 11, 2017

Donnelly Effect delivers 17 in '17: 17 actionable SPARKS to ignite your team for better leadership, customer and employee...

Spark #3: Help Grumpy Find His Happiness...Even If It Is Not With You

Mike Donnelly | February 24, 2017

Donnelly Effect delivers 17 in '17: 17 actionable SPARKS to ignite your team for better leadership, customer and employee...

Unlock the Magic!

Unlock the Magic_3D book image L-3

Donnelly Effect In Action


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